For the month of November, Tyler and I visited the Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple. We went on November 6th, 2010. It was a great experience.
The Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple was announced in General Conference as a new temple in Utah County on October 3rd, 1992. It wasn't until the next conference that it was announced that it would be built in the southern part of American Fork that was once a farm operated by church welfare. The ground breaking and site dedication was on October 9th, 1993 by Gordon B. Hinckley. The open house was then from August 6th to September 21st, 1996. Then it was then dedicated October 13th-19th, 1996.
Architecture/ Decor:
The Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple was designed after the floor plan of the Bountiful Utah Temple. Just like the Bountiful temple this temple is filled with open rooms filled with 90's style designs. That uses geometric shapes.
Helpful things to note when visiting this temple:
This temple is well of the main freeway, yet easy to find because you only need to take one main road to get there. The roads are decently busy yet all there is after getting on to that road is four way stops (which can be fun when driving in Utah County if you know what I mean).
Scheduling and Temple Clothes:
This is a fairly large temple so you don't need to worry about calling ahead to schedule a time. There are also clothing rentals available there as well as a cafeteria.
The source I used and a great source if you want to learn more is:
Mount Timpanogos Utah Temple: http://www.ldschurchtemples.com/mounttimpanogos/
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